There are two types of committees that exist within the college, those that report to the faculty and those that report to the Dean’s office.
Standing committees of the faculty are established by a majority vote of the faculty. Each standing committee shall meet at least once each fall and spring semester. All members of the Tenure and Promotion Committee are elected by the faculty. Members of all other standing committees are appointed by the Dean’s office, after recommendation by the Faculty Governance Council and consultation with the Associate and Assistant Deans and the Department Chairs. The term of appointment to standing committees is three years, unless specified otherwise. A listing of all standing committees and their members is published annually, and provided to all faculty members. The Dean appoints a Chair for each committee, with the exception of the Tenure and Promotion Committee.
A quorum for a committee constitutes the chair or his/her designee and a simple majority of the members of the committee. Accountability for the committee is the responsibility of the committee chair, the Dean to whom the committee reports, and the general faculty. The committee Chairs report activities to the College during at least one faculty meeting per academic year. The Chair or his/her designee prepares and maintains the agenda and minutes of each meeting.
Committees & Task Forces
- Artificial Intelligence Task Force
- Academic Performance and Standards
- Admissions
- Assessment Committee
- Curriculum
- Faculty Awards
- Faculty Development
- Faculty Governance Council
- Graduate Education
- International
- Pathways to Career Advancement Task Force
- Professionalism
- Research
- Scholarship and Awards
- Student Pharmacist Advocacy and Recovery (SPARC)
- Tenure and Promotion
Committees of the Dean
- Executive Council
- Additional Ad Hoc Committees, Groups and Task Forces