Student Pharmacist Advocacy and Recovery (SPARC)

The Student Pharmacist Advocacy and Recovery Committee (SPARC) is involved in the advocacy for pharmacy students with substance use disorders (SUD). The committee advocates for recovery from SUD by acting on pharmacy students who consistently exhibit behavior that could be attributable to SUD and, in association with the Florida Professionals Resource Network (PRN), offers compassionate assistance, not punishment, for students with SUD. SPARC is a resource for pharmacy students who have experienced consequences related to SUD, or are concerned that they themselves or a fellow classmate may have SUD. Internally, the committee works in association with the Office of Student Affairs and observes the College of Pharmacy’s policies related to chemical impairment. The committee provides assistance in a manner that protects the rights of the impaired student to receive treatment in confidence and affords each recovering student, who is not legally restricted and no longer chemically impaired as determined by the Florida PRN, the opportunity to continue his/her pharmacy education without stigma or penalty. SPARC provides ongoing support during the student’s recovery to aid in relapse prevention. Additionally, the committee provides educational leadership in the development of curricular and co-curricular content on the issues of SUD and promotion of healthy lifestyles. The committee reports to the Dean and Associate Dean for Student Affairs and meets a minimum of once a semester, or as deemed necessary by the committee Chair.

The committee is composed of at least three faculty members, one practicing pharmacist outside of the college, and at least three students in the Doctor of Pharmacy program. The Chair is appointed by the Dean from the current standing committee members.


Adonice Khoury
Department: Pharmacy Education and Practice

Adonice Khoury Pharm.D., BCPS

Clinical Associate Professor
Phone: (352) 273-8136


Carol A Motycka
Department: Pharmacy Education and Practice

Carol A Motycka Pharm.D., BCACP

Assistant Dean For The Jacksonville Campus; Clinical Professor
Phone: (904) 244-9590
Richard Segal
Department: Pharmaceutical Outcomes & Policy

Richard Segal R.Ph., Ph.D., M.S.

Phone: (352) 273-6265


Carl Allison

NON-UF Member

Sam Borgert


Teocali Diaz

Lauryn Willoughby