The Tenure and Promotion Committee is advisory to the Dean, and has five main responsibilities.
- The committee conducts a review of candidates for tenure and promotion forwarded from the individual departments as outlined in the College of Pharmacy Policy Manual, Appendix B; College of Pharmacy Tenure and Promotion Plan.
- The committee conducts pre-tenure reviews for all new faculty members in the spring semester of the candidate’s third academic year. This review is forwarded to the Dean and Department Chair (and copied to the candidate), to document any areas needing consideration before the tenure and promotion process is started.
- The committee conducts the sustained performance review process. Individual tenured faculty who have held their academic rank for seven years or longer are evaluated as outlined in the College of Pharmacy Policy Manual, Appendix B; College of Pharmacy Sustained Performance Evaluation Plan.
- This committee assists the Dean, if need be, in evaluating eligible faculty members for the Salary Adjustment Program for tenured full professors as outlined in the College of Pharmacy Policy Manual, Appendix B; College of Pharmacy Salary Adjustment Program for Faculty after Seven Years in Rank as Full Professor – Professor Pay Plan.
- The committee annually reviews and provides any necessary updating in the College’s Policies and Procedures Manual related to Tenure & Promotion, Sustained Performance, and the Professor Pay Plan.
The committee comprises twelve faculty members: Five tenured full Professors, one from each academic department; two tenured Associate Professors; and five non-tenure-track (NTT) faculty members (three full Professors and two Associate Professors). The NTT faculty do not vote on tenure. The Dean and Department Chairs and their designees (if involved in writing T&P letters) are not eligible to serve on this committee. The tenured full Professors are elected within each department. The college faculty will elect one tenured Associate Professor, one NTT Associate Professor, and one NTT full Professor. The Dean will appoint one tenured Associate Professor or Professor, one NTT Associate Professor, and two NTT full Professors. No more than two tenured or NTT faculty members may be from the same department. Elected terms are for two years, and a person may not serve more than two consecutive terms. The two-year consecutive term limitation may be suspended if there is a shortage of eligible faculty at either the associate or full rank within any department. The committee chair must be a tenured full Professor and is elected at the beginning of each academic year by the current Tenure and Promotion Committee members.
Representatives on the Committee are: