The College of Pharmacy has developed Promotion and Tenure Guidelines that detail the process of applying for Promotion and/or Tenure and the criteria that successful applicants need to meet. The college also has guidelines that detail the process for mid-cycle reviews.
Review of promotion and tenure applications is conducted by the Tenure and Promotion committee, whose members are elected by faculty for a 2-year term. The committee also conducts sustained performance reviews of tenured faculty who have held their academic rank for more than seven years, and pre-tenure (also referred to as “mid-cycle”) reviews for all new faculty members in the spring semester of the candidate’s third year.
All faculty on the tenure track are required to be reviewed for tenure at the end of their probationary tenure period. The probationary period at the College of Pharmacy is seven years. Applicants can apply for extension under special circumstances. Procedures are summarized in the University of Florida Promotion and Tenure guidelines.