Educational Theory and Methods

Educational Theory

Resources for pharmacy faculty to gain an understanding of theories, principles, concepts underlying the College’s educational philosophy and structure.

Ambrose SA, Bridges MW, DiPietro M, Lovett MC, Norman MK, Mayer RE. How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass; 2010.

Davies, W.M. (2006). Intensive teaching formats: A review. Issues in Educational Research. 16.

Educational Methods

Resources for pharmacy faculty to gain an understanding different educational methods that they can employ to help the College achieve its educational mission.

  • Instructor-led learning
  • Active learning

Michael J. (2006) Where’s the evidence that active learning works? Adv Physiol Educ. 30(4):159-67. 

  • Peer learning

Implementation of a Near-Peer Teaching Model in Pharmacy Education: Experiences and Challenges

Peer teaching in medical education: Twelve reasons to move from theory to practice (need to log in to get full text)

  • Blended learning

Blended learning: Uncovering its transformative potential in higher education

The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture